
"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure."

Monday, January 26, 2004

Speaking of which, I remember this story: Bill vs Mike for Mayor of NYC

Bill Clinton
Age: 56
Height: 6-feet-2
Income: Gets $100,000-plus per speech; still paying off Whitewater and Monicagate legal bills.
Ever smoked pot? "I experimented with marijuana a time or two. And I didn't like it, and didn't inhale, and never tried it again."
Food cravings: Burgers
Favorite flick: "High Noon"
Position on tobacco: Love of cigars well-documented in Starr Report
Romantic status: Married to Sen. Hillary Clinton; wishes he had never heard of Monica Lewinsky.

Mike Bloomberg
Age: 61
Height: 5-feet-6 (5-feet-10 on his driver's license)
Income: Draws $1 salary as mayor; net worth close to $5 billion. Ever smoked pot? "You bet I did. And I liked it."
Food cravings: Hot dogs
Favorite flick: "Blazing Saddles"
Position on tobacco: Banned smoking in bars and restaurants
Romantic status: Dating future Banking Department superintendent Diana Taylor; wishes he could meet Jennifer Lopez.

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