
"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure."

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

From Imdb
Finish this sentence: "New boy wonder Orlando Bloom is..."

An incredibly smart and lucky actor who's made excellent film choices. 1825 (27.6%)

Um, that guy who was overshadowed by Johnny Depp in that pirate movie, right? 1424 (21.5%)

A guy my little sister thinks is really hot, but I can't see why. 1091 (16.5%)

A little too slight to be a true hunk and/or movie star. 786 (11.9%)

The dreamiest of the dreamy! 606 (9.2%)

A guy who makes me think of Florida whenever I hear his name. 492 (7.4%)

Someone who's only sexy with pointy ears. 361 (5.5%) (My vote!)

Someone I often confuse with Christian Bale. 27 (0.4%)

A total of 6612 votes were collected.

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